As most of my friends and family know my handsome partner in crime and myself are expecting our first baby! Yay! Although for some mums to be this is also a overwhelming time not only for thinking about adjusting your lifestyle but for me, it was how is my body going to change? I want to be a fit and healthy mum, blah blah blah. Lets be honest I definitely struggled with this especially in the first trimester for I was so sick and so tired! ( I'll spare you the details) - I think this week has been the biggest struggle for me as now most people have learned I am pregnant and are not afraid to let you know what they think!
Some comments I have come across are:
-You don't even look pregnant!
-Your huge!
-You eat so much!
-Should you be eating that?
-You should be doing this
-Your beautiful, I love you
The last comment was from Joel who is always picking me up when I'm feeling down, which has always been a blessing, especially now. All of these comments have come from strangers and also people close to me and sometimes when your body is changing in ways know one can ever really express to you, this can be really overwhelming.
Something I have always struggled with his body image. My mum was always the best support when I was growing up. I was a very different shape to my younger sisters and being told twice in high school by teachers and bullies that I was to big was soul crushing. Recently in the past 2-3 years Joel and myself have focused living a fit and healthy lifestyle, which we both love! I was in the best shape of my life and wanted to be healthy for growing our family. So when I found that all I craved was carbs, all I wanted was sugar and lettuce and broccoli went out the window this felt like the end of the world haha. Although I have been able to hit the gym throughout the whole pregnancy so far it still isn't the same when your body grows in it's own way despite how you feel about it doing so. This is just a part of being pregnant and I think this week I have finally accepted this. It;s only taken me almost 16 weeks, but hey we got there! But I can totally understand why women feel 'not themselves'. I have realised I want to be the best home for my baby which means a healthy mind! So to all the mums out there or mums to be feeling down about themselves, IT'S OK!
You do you! Life is so very precious and not worth the drama of someones comment.
One tip I have is- Even though you are saving for your little one, invest in clothes that make you feel great. Pregnant omen are beautiful and have the right to feel this way. Dress to make yourself feel loved and happy.
Another tip- Meditation! Calm your thoughts, calm your mind and calm the body. Your baby will love you for it, they want you to be happy =)